Wednesday, December 6, 2017

December Christmas Lunch! Tuesday, December 19th at noon

You are cordially invited to our December meeting at the Faribault Perkins (it would appear I was wrong but hey, it took till November) beginning at Noon for those planning on eating there.  The formal meeting will begin when the plates are cleared other than desserts.
You will be electing officers for 2018 and beginning to set the schedule.
I look forward to seeing you all there to wish you a Joyful Season.
Take care, stay off the icy roads, look both ways before crossing the street, and be kind to animals.
Pres. Paul Fonstad

Monday, November 6, 2017

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

“Family History Ideas for the Holidays". RCHS director Susan Garwood will talk about "The Great Thanksgiving Listen" (Oral history and family stories); creating a Heritage Scavenger Hunt for the youngest family members; pulling out the family photo box; making family recipes; storytelling; and more.

Tuesday, November 21st at 2 pm at the Rice County Historical Society- free and bring a friend!

Friday, October 13, 2017

Members share finds and tips!

Rice County Genealogical Society October Meeting.  2 pm Tuesday October 17, 2017 at the Northfield Public Library Bunday Room.  October's meeting will focus on members recent experiences in their research, travels, or discoveries relating to genealogy.  The public is welcome!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Summer break is over!

We're back!  Our next meeting  is Tuesday, Sept. 19th at 2 pm at the Rice County Historical Society in Faribault.

The Rice County Genealogical Society begin their fall season with a presentation titled “Revival of the Christdala Church and the birth of the Millersburg School House Museum along with some Genealogy in the area”.    John Dalby will show some pictures of the buildings and Jan Dalby will talk about the preservation of the church.  Shirley Galvin will describe the history of the musem.  This will be an interesting meeting focused on local history.  Guests are welcome.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Come visit us at the Northfield Historical Society June 6th

Who do you think you are!? Come by NHS for an introduction on how to start searching your family tree. It's free, part of history month.  Rice County Genealogical Society members can help you get started or give you tips if you're stuck! 6:30-7:30 Tuesday, June 6th. 

This is a Death certificate-it's full of information!
It just a sample of what you can find!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Summer Break

Meeting News

The Rice County Genealogical Society is on summer break. Meetings will resume in September on Tuesday the 19th in Faribault. The Faribault meetings are held at the Rice
County Historical Society building (and Museum) at 1814 2nd Ave NW, Faribault MN 55021.

Our schedule for the rest of 2017 is as follows;
September 19 - Faribault
October 16 – Northfield Location TBD
November 21 – Faribault
December 19 – Northfield Location TBD

Programs for these meetings is a work in process and will be announced here on this website as soon as they are arranged. We welcome any suggestions on subjects of interest or speakers.

Have an enjoyable summer.

Paul Fonstad

On behalf of the Society and Officers

Monday, May 1, 2017

Meet the Dalby Database!


We acknowledge and thank the Minnesota Genealogical Society for the data they have allowed us to use.      
New data is entered and updated daily."  
John & Jan Dalby
    Faribault, MN.
Using the Dalby Database you can search all the information the Dalby's have collected. Dalby data contains over 200,800,000 records.  All fields can be searched and include: Cemetery, Civil War, Census, City Directories, Birth Records, Marriage Records, Newspaper articles, People in Books, Church Records, Obituaries and more!
To find out what they are up to check the link to their blog.
Christdala Church information. Christdala Church is located in Forest Township on Rice County Highway One, two miles west of Millersburg, Minnesota.

Northfield History Collaborative is an online digital collection of Northfield area histories as well as St. Olaf & Carleton Colleges' collections.
Minnesota digital Newspapers available through the Minnesota Historical Society.
Minnesota Marriages- Minnesota Official Marriage System.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Welcome to our new website!

This is a test. The Northfield Rice County Genealogical Society N.R.C.G.S as it was known in the beginning started in the late 1960's when a genealogy class given by Betty Gould in Northfield wouldn't quit when the classes ended.  Many people became interested in a Bicentennial project to walk the cemeteries and index the headstones.  The data eventually was digitized by John Dalby and became the beginning of the Dalby Cemetery Data Base.

The Rice County Genealogical Society RCGS as it is now known meets at alternating sites between the Rice County Historical Society and and places in Northfield.