Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Genealogy Workshops!

GENEALOGY WORKSHOPS Tuesdays, November 5, 12, 19, 26 9:00-11:30 am Has the “Genealogy Bug” bitten you? Do you want to climb your family tree? The folks from the Rice County Genealogical Society are sponsoring a series of 4 classes to start you off. They will introduce you to on-line resources, DNA, databases local and across the world. Bring as much of your family information as possible to the first session and jump right in! If possible, bring your laptop, tablet or iPad. Some computers will be available.
Nov. 5: Introduction to Family Search online genealogy program
Nov. 12: Exploring Relative Finder,, and GenWeb. Deciding which program is best for you
Nov. 13: Introduction to the Dalby Data base for Rice Co. and beyond and other search resources. Nov. 26: Problem solving and roadblocks. Ways to share your family’s unique story

Instructors: Kathy Ness, Sue Garwood, John and Jan Dalby Capacity: 20 Cost: $42 nonmbr, $34 mbr, $0 plat-equivPlease pre-register for all classes: By Phone: 507-664-3700 Online: In Person: FiftyNorth front desk

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