Wednesday, November 7, 2018

November’s meeting will be Nov. 20th

A big welcome to everyone!
• Plan to finish review of the Library and getting rid of items.
- Sharing of recent searches and fun finds  
• Election of officers for 2019.
• Work Committee signups for next year.
2 pm at the Northfield Public Library’s Bunday meeting.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Meet the AMAZING Dalby Database

OCTOBER 16th RCGS MEETING @ Rice County Historical Society 
Meet the Dalby Data Base presented by Sue Garwood, Executive Director of RCHS2 PM

Birth records, obituaries, cemetery records, city directories, Civil War records you name it you’ll find it here! Sue will give a comprehensive introduction to the information available on this website created and updated daily by John and Jan Dalby. It covers Rice County and beyond. You gotta see it to believe it!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Thank you Ryan Mattke for a VERY interesting program!

Matt came to our meeting to tell us about the University of Minnesota's Borchert Map Library and those present learned a lot!  There is an amazing collection there for all of us to access. 
Please look at his presentation linked below to get a sample of the information the library has.

Here is a link to his presentation with links.

Here it is in PDF

You can also email him with any questions about place names and the changes of towns and borders over time.
And any other geographical questions.

It was a super presentation!
Thank you Ryan

The GeoNames geographical database covers all countries and contains over 11 million placenames that are available for download free of charge.

Rumsey Map Collection

The David Rumsey Map Collection was started over 30 years ago and contains more than 150,000 maps.  The collection focuses on rare 16th thru 21st century maps of North and South America, as well as maps of the world, Asia, Africa, Europe and Oceania.  The collection includes atlases, wall maps, globes, school geographies, pocket maps, books of exploration, maritime charts, and a variety of cartographic materials.  Items range in date from @1550 to the present.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

SPECIAL Historical Look at Maps!

Ryan Mattke from the University of Minnesota Borchert Map Library will be presenting on Minnesota maps- including historical aerial maps! 

Northfield Public Library meeting room.  2 pm Wednesday, September 19th.
Free and open to all.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Time to share!

Tuesday, August 21 at 2 pm at the Northfield Public Library
Come join us in this fun (and sometimes funny) time of sharing our genealogy stories, finds and problems.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Research sites you may not know about-
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness is a global volunteer organization.  Volunteers donate their time to offer free genealogy research in their local area.
The Minnesota Official Marriage System is created, designed and managed by Minnesota counties.  Marriage records are public information 
Volunteers transcribe passenger lists

Friday, July 13, 2018

We will be at the Rice County Fair!

Rice county Genealogy group will have an information booth in the Rice county Museum from noon to 8 pm on Wednesday July 18th 

We will be located in the Carlander Room of the Museum in air conditioning. We will have a couple of the Historical Society’s computers and will help visitors access some genealogy programs.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

June 19-come learn about the Northfield History Collaborative

This unique collaboration between Carleton & St. Olaf Colleges and the Northfield Historical Society features many aspects of Northfield area history. It’s on-line and accessible to everyone. NHS Shaffer member Stephanie Hess will present this program. 
Free! Come join us! 
Northfield Public Library Bunday Meeting Room  2 pm June 19

Saturday, May 12, 2018

May's Special event!

Memorial Service at Old Prairieville Cemetery.
2 pm Sunday, May 20th.
The cemetery is located on Hwy 60 2.5 miles east of Faribault, MN

The story of an abandoned pioneer cemetery
For years the East “Old” Prairieville Cemetery lay beneath a woods and weeds and briars, largely unknown to anyone except a few local residents. The graves of two Civil War Veterans and a War of 1812 Veteran lay buried along with the graves of early pioneers and settlers of East Prairieville, located just East of Faribault, Minnesota in Rice County. 

Sometime in the early 1900’s, the cemetery was abandoned and had  lain largely untouched since.  Efforts in the l980’s and l990’s by John and Jan Dalby, Ole Stark, Helen Stearns, and Dallas Drake to bring this cause to the attention of  officials, went largely unnoticed.  

Coincidentally, in 2007, Timothy Lloyd, searching for the grave of his great great great grand parents, discovered Old Prairieville Cemetery, abandoned and nearly impenetrable.  Tim’s search for the cemetery and the grave of his ancestor set off a series of actions that have led to the restoration of the cemetery which is still “in process”.  With the passage of Minnesota Statute 306.243 MAINTAINING ABANDONED CEMETERIES  and increasing pressure from local citizens, county officials agreed to help.  Their cutting down of the woods and surveying the cemetery paved the way for restoration to begin.

Five summers of work with specially designed equipment uncovered the gravestones of some 55 Prairieville residents.  Most of the gravestones are in good condition, quite legible, and some quite beautiful.  Grass is now growing and gravestones protrude from beds of old day lilies that bloom profusely. Eleven large monuments, buried deeply, and perhaps intentionally, have been raised by a professional stone setter and stand now overlooking the Prairie---the view looking much as it must have one hundred fifty years ago when the cemetery was organized.(see photos at end of website)

The “Friends of Old Prairieville Cemetery” has  made an effort to restore the cemetery in a way keeping with its Pioneer origins.  Beautiful stands of Day Lilies, Vinca, etc. have been maintained while new grass grows around them.  Native trees will be planted and a fence will be erected to maintain the cemetery’s borders. 
Margaret Kelly is researching the families buried in Old Prairieville and will be glad to share her findings.  Questions or information about the cemetery should be directed to the Lloyd’s and Ms Kelly at or at Friends of Old Prairieville Cemetery, Box 450, Northfield, Mn. 55057

Our Rice Gleanings Spring Newsletter

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

April meeting

we will be at the Northfield Public Library April 17 from 2-3:30.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Great links for you to explore in the Dalby Data! Thanks John!

Its best to seach a select Cemetery. Enter MEN (Maple Lawn) in the SECTION Box for each search. 

Search VET.  in the Notes Box.  Be sure to enter the PERIOD

Search one of the following in the Notes Box. GAR. WW I. WW II. KOREA. VIETNAM.

Search REVOLUTIONARY  in the Notes Box. Woodlawn Cem. Winona, Mn.

Search USA PRES in the Notes Box. See Presidents

Search USA FIRST in the Notes Box  See First Ladies

Search RICE in the COUNTY Box

Search FARIBAULT in the TOWN Box

Search KILLED or WOUND or DIED in the REMARKS Box

Search ORPHAN in the RELATION Box

Search ORPHAN in the RELATION Box  & 1900 in the DATE Box


Search FLECK in the OCCUPATION Box.  Click on YEAR to sort

Search 817 N CEN in the ADDRESS Box.

Search 1865 in the YEAR Box.  

Search 1865 in the YEAR Box and RICE CO in the CITY Box

Search 1880 in the YEAR Box

Search FARIBAULT in the PLACE Box.

Search 1948 in the DATE Box

Enter & Search RICE in the LAST NAME Box and FIRE in the DATA Box.



Enter and Search a SURNAME in the LAST NAME Box  or a LAST NAME in the NOTES Box  or a DATE in the DATE Box.  

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Next meeting will be at the Northfield Public Library on Tuesday, Feb. 20th 2 pm

 Do you want to start working on your genealogy? Join us for a free introduction to Family Search. org at the Northfield Public Library's Bunday meeting room 210 Washington St. 

Tuesday, Feb. 20th at 2 pm

Presenter and "advanced beginner" genealogy enthusiast Kathy Ness will show you the basics on how to get started on this great site!
Family information you have- names of your parents, grand parents or great grandparents
A laptop or ipad (the library has great wifi and we can all get online and get you started!)

For further information please contact Kathy

January meeting in Faribault!

Our first meeting of the year is at 2 pm on Tuesday, Jan 16th at the Rice County Historical Society.  We will be discussing the goals and plans for the upcoming year.  Br
ing your ideas!!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Announcing our 2018 theme!

We will be sharing our tips and showing you resources to help start your 
family tree or help you add branches!
Schedule to be announced soon.