Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Next meeting will be at the Northfield Public Library on Tuesday, Feb. 20th 2 pm

 Do you want to start working on your genealogy? Join us for a free introduction to Family Search. org at the Northfield Public Library's Bunday meeting room 210 Washington St. 

Tuesday, Feb. 20th at 2 pm

Presenter and "advanced beginner" genealogy enthusiast Kathy Ness will show you the basics on how to get started on this great site!
Family information you have- names of your parents, grand parents or great grandparents
A laptop or ipad (the library has great wifi and we can all get online and get you started!)

For further information please contact Kathy

January meeting in Faribault!

Our first meeting of the year is at 2 pm on Tuesday, Jan 16th at the Rice County Historical Society.  We will be discussing the goals and plans for the upcoming year.  Br
ing your ideas!!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Announcing our 2018 theme!

We will be sharing our tips and showing you resources to help start your 
family tree or help you add branches!
Schedule to be announced soon.