Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Thursdays, March 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th
from 6-8 pm at the Rice County Historical Society’s Carlander Family Room
1814 2nd Ave NW Faribault

You will learn about Family Search, Ancestry, WikiTree, the Dalby Database, Maps, MOMS, Censuses, Find-a-Grave
and more!

Class size limit: 20  Cost: $40/4 sessions
Priority will be given to those who wish to take all four classes.
Register by calling the Rice County Historical Society 507-332-2121 

Instructions for Participants: 
1. Bring your own computer (either Mac or PC, none available at Museum) arrive 15 minutes early to get connected on-line.  .

2. Participants bring what you have of at least a few generations (names of parents, grandparents, great-grandparents with dates and places of birth, marriage, death if known)

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Feel free to contact us with any questions about Rice County people and places. We'd love to help you. We can also get you going in your own family search!